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MAY 8, 2012

These minutes are subject to approval by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission.


Chairman Marks called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Commission Members present:  Marks, Brookes, Crick Owen, Yanni Jr., Barczak and Boritz
Commission Members absent: DiNicola.
Staff present: Mangold and Samuelson
Staff absent: Reggiano
Public:  None


(m/s/c: Brookes/Barczak) “Motion to accept the minutes from the April 10, 2012, meeting as written.”  The motion was carried unanimously.


  • None

  • Two emails were received complimenting the staff.  One from Gregg Simon , Athletic Director of the High School,  to Director Mangold explaining how John Moore and staff quickly and efficiently responded to a need that the girls softball coach had in order for a game to be played on Treadwell softball field. A second email was sent to Director Mangold and Assistant Director Reggiano thanking Assistant Director Reggiano for her help with the First Kicks Program.
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Taylor Field Lighting/Newtown Youth Football and Cheer

  • Chairman Marks, Director Mangold, Assistant Director Samuelson, and Gino Faiella, Director of Facilities for the Board of Education all met with Sean Dunn from Newtown Youth Football and his board to discuss lights at Taylor Field (Hawley School). Parks and Recreation has already explored different opportunities to improve this field.  It is very expensive to run electricity to the field, as football has found out.  It does not make sense to improve Taylor Field, Parks and Recreation will just maintain it.    
  • Long term solution options were discussed – Tilson Turf field is too short for Newtown Youth Football.  Tilson and Treadwell Turf fields both would involve moving equipment and storage along with parking issues when one field is in use. Middle School has the same issues as Hawley School along with parking and equipment having to be moved.  Blue and Gold is too costly and is not available during the season. Oakview Field – parking is an issue and Newtown Youth Academy is only a stop gap.  High School back field - Soccer Club had wanted to install lights or turf. But then they wanted first right to the field.
  • In three years Parks and Recreation would have enough money in the surcharge account for lighting one of the back fields at the High School. And the High School field would be used for practices and Taylor Field for games only.
  • Short term – Parks and Recreation sponsoring temporary lights at Taylor Field for the next few years.  This would involve 2 or 3 light towers at approximately $600.00 – 700.00 per month.  Mr.  Dunn was willing to split the cost.  Assistant Director Samuelson will get new quotes.
  • The light installation will be approximately $250,000.00 to install lights at the High School.  This money would come from the surcharge account. Parks and Recreation would have control over the lights and light fees. Gregg Simon, Athletic Director for the High School is aware and in favor of the lights.
  • The turf at Treadwell Turf field is scheduled to be replaced in the fall of 2013.  Assistant Director Samuelson is still researching new turf options.  Some of the newer turfs have a 12 year life.  The money to replace this turf will be coming from the surcharge account.  Tilson turf replacement needs to be listed in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and listed as other funding.  Possible CIP project would be installing turf at the one multipurpose field at the High School that would have the new lighting. Cost to possibly be split by Board of Education and Parks and Recreation.
  • The Commission was in favor of supporting temporary lights at Taylor Field.
(m/s/c: Barczak/ Yanni Jr.) “Motion to pursue permanent lighting on one multipurpose field situated in the back field of the Newtown High School.”   Motion was carried unanimously.


  • Parks and Recreation had a table at the Earth Day event.  Friends of the Dog Park, Transition Initiative and representatives from the Victory Garden were also on hand.
  • The Nature Walk at Orchard Hill was very well attended.  There were two scheduled guided tours this year.  Mr. Robert Hall has been in to see Director Mangold about a trail that is being built on his property. Director Mangold explained that is was not a Parks and Recreation trail and that she has looked into it.  She has also sent a note to the Lions Club who helps take care of the property.
  • Finance Director, Bob Tait has informed Director Mangold that state sales tax should be collected for the Eichler’s Cove boat slip rentals. Commissioner Yanni Jr. is looking into this.  He has found no reference in either the Charter or the Statute to address vessels on the water.  Chairman Marks and the Commission would like Director Mangold to contact the Town’s attorney on this issue. The Town owns the property under the water.  Assistant Director Samuelson will speak with Brian Woods who works for First Light that owns the lake.
  • Director Mangold, First Selectman Llodra, Harvey Pessin and Operations Supervisor Moore all met to look at a future site for the Victory Garden.  The Garden will stay where it is for this season.
  • Bees at the Victory Garden- Jeff Shwartz will be giving an information session on this topic on Wednesday, May 16th at the Victory Garden at 6:00 pm.  Mr. Shwartz has offered to supply a hive of honey bees for the garden. The hive would be placed a short distance from the garden and have a fence around the hive. Director Mangold and Mr. Shwartz want all gardeners to be comfortable with the honey bees at the garden. Director Mangold emailed the gardeners and the Fairfield Hills Authority. Rob Sibley, from Land Use, is also in favor of the honey bees at the garden.
  • Director Mangold reminded the Commissioners about the upcoming Budget Referendum on Tuesday, May 15th.


  • See report.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson asked the Commission if they liked the new format of his reports. They do like it. Chairman Marks asked that Assistant Director Samuelson due a larger report for both the June and September meetings.
  • Planting of the Elm trees has been completed.
  • Staff training by Cirma for OSHA was completed on April 11th and 12th.
  • Scope review for the Treadwell Pool building has been completed and the bid has been awarded.
  • All fencing repairs are complete and the fencing around the yard at the Fairfield Hills Maintenance Facility has been installed.
  • Victory Garden irrigation has been installed and mulch has been delivered.
  • The screener is at Oakview.  There has been some delay due to the wet weather.
  • Work continues on the batting cage at the 90’ baseball field at Fairfield Hills. The contractor is working on installing low voltage wiring and fiber to the Maintenance Facility.
  • Paving has started at Treadwell Park and by the maintenance garage at Treadwell.
  • Treadwell Pool will be opened by the end of this week or the beginning of next week.
Out of 1520 potential work hours for the crew,  232 hours of vacation/sick/personal time has been used.  This represents a 15% loss in workforce or 1.5 employees per day.
Dickinson basketball court will be repaired due to damage from cleats. A new acrylic coating will be put down to help prevent more damage.


  • Strutt your Mutt flyers went out.  The event will be a “Hike to the Site” of the future dog park.
  • The Mad Dash flyers were also sent out as well as the Sample Camp Flyers.  John Voket and his band will be playing music at the Sample Camp and all donations will go to the Camp Scholarship Fund.  Scott Sharlow from the Tech Department is working to possibly have a computer set up at the Sample Camp so people can register there for the camps.


  • Strutt Your Mutt fliers were sent out.


  • Commission voted and the name of the field is High Meadow Field.  Signage will be made and it will have the Town Seal on it.

  • The facilities tour is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 1:00 pm. The tour will start at the Parks and Recreation office. The regular meeting scheduled for July 10th at 6:00 pm will be canceled and a special meeting will be held at 5:00 pm that same night.



  • The Commission reviewed the requirements (hand out) to be ADA Compliant with the Town Pool. Director Mangold included, in the handout, what Parks and Recreation is going to do to achieve compliancy. The plan demonstrates that we are working toward compliancy. Director Mangold, Assistant Directors Samuelson and Reggiano and Operations Supervisor, John Moore met to discuss the purchase of a new compliant lift for Treadwell Pool. Any new construction or renovations must be compliant.  The Treadwell Pool house renovations will be ADA compliant.  The lift must be ready to operate at anytime the pool is open.  All the waterfront staff will be trained on how to use the lift properly.  The lift will be ordered this month at a cost of approximately $7.000.00.  Assistant Director Samuelson will look into the cost to add an attachment to the lift that will also make the lift wheelchair submersible.  The Commission agreed with Director Mangold's plan as presented.

  • Commissioner Brookes commented to the Commission about how very happy she was to be working with the Parks and Recreation Commission and staff.
  • Assistant Director Samuelson received an email from Babe Ruth Baseball informing him that equipment boxes have been installed at the High Meadow Field.

(m/s/c: Brookes/Barczak “Motion to adjourn.”  The meeting ended at 7:29pm. The motion was carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by,
Donna Benson